Companies are facing increasing expectations and obligations in terms of risk prevention and economic and social responsibility. Equality of treatment, equal opportunities, diversity in management and control bodies, transparency on executive compensation, benevolence of managerial practices, compliance: the demands on companies are multiplying at the same pace as its legal and reputational exposure.
We are convinced that the obligations of internal control and compliance must be understood in a global manner and in a logic of opportunity: compliance is not a burden, it is a positive approach leading to transversal action plans that give coherence and credibility to the companies’ long-term strategy.
Karman Associés strives to approach these issues from a legal, social and economic perspective, while respecting the companies’ values.
Karman Associés thus assists its clients in:
- the implementation of codes of conduct, ethical charters and alert procedures;
- the dissemination, explanation and implementation of the company’s standards and reference systems;
- the evaluation of risks and the adaptation of prevention tools;
- the day-to-day dealings with the regulatory authorities;
- the management of litigation matters;
- the development of methodological and ethical principles for internal investigations;
- monitoring the company’s commitments and adapting them.